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Our Team

Peggy Woodruff - President

As a former teacher and small business owner, I came to BASES Board with a passion for supporting vulnerable children. I am fortunate to live in a community where many cultures come together to live and grow. My children are now raising their children in this part of Canada that has become home to refugees and so many immigrants

Janice Froese - Treasurer

As a retired CPA, Janice welcomes the opportunity to use her accounting skills to give back to the community. From growing up in a small town where community was important to being a Rotarian for over 30 years, service is an integral part of her life. She especially enjoys working with youth through Interact, Rotaract and the Boots for Kids program. As a Burnaby resident, she is also environmentally active with Eagle Creek Streamkeepers and the Burnaby Lake Park Society. BASES is a perfect fit for her by combining her skills and interests providing opportunities for youth through raising funds in an environmentally responsible way.

Emily Sutherland - Vice President

I am a retired Burnaby teacher and a long-time resident of the city. I feel very fortunate to serve on the BASES Board and to continue my relationship with the community. BASES commitment to supporting youth and children reach their “full academic, personal and physical potential” resonates strongly with me. In my experience, the children and youth in Burnaby and New West schools (with the guidance of dedicated staff) enrich their neighbourhoods and our larger community. However, some children and youth may need additional funding support to ensure that they have equal access to out-of-school programming. I know that when equal access is available we all benefit.

Cathy Milne - Recording Secretary

A Burnaby resident since 1988, Cathy has long been committed to service in her community. She volunteered in many capacities at her children’s elementary and high schools, and has been active in various charitable activities at her church, including a 20 year stint as treasurer. Recently retired from paid employment, Cathy brings a background in banking, payroll, and HR to the Board. Cathy feels privileged to serve on the Board and is fully committed to the mission of BASES, as well-supported children and youth result in a better society for all. In her spare time she can be found reading, walking, singing, and camping off the beaten path.

Al Post - Director at Large

After 33 years as a Classroom Teacher, District Consultant, Head Teacher and Elementary School Principal in Burnaby, Al retired and was eager to join BASES as a way to give back to the community he has worked in for so long. The income generated at the store allows us to support programs for children and youth in Burnaby and New Westminster. I feel fortunate to be part of this organization and I look forward to learning more as I become more involved over the years.

Dale Owen - Past President

I have always been passionate about serving my community, having been a part of several arts and education related boards over the past four decades. I have been involved with BASES since 2012 and I am continually inspired by the vision and commitment of my fellow board members, grateful for the dedicated, generous volunteers and donors who support our cause. As a retired Burnaby community school coordinator, I understand firsthand the positive impact BASES has had in funding accessible, quality after-school programs for all our children and youth. In my free time, I am on the pickleball court and singing great choral music.

Don Strutt - Director at Large

After retiring from business, I found myself looking for new challenges and a way to give back. When I came upon BASES, I knew I’d found a tremendous opportunity to help make a difference in the community. The BASES business model resonated with so many things that are important to me. Creating space for the community to recycle good used clothing and household items by donating them to the store, reduces waste. Selling items at low prices creates affordability for low-income households. The store, run by a small core of paid staff and many dedicated volunteers, creates unique opportunities. For many of our student volunteers and those new to Canada it’s an opportunity to gain experience and develop new marketable skills. For our more experienced volunteers it’s an outlet to build new and lasting friendships, Lastly, the giving. All proceeds are given to support after school and out of school student programs in a number of local public schools. BASES, its volunteers and such terrific results truly inspire me. I feel I’m most fortunate to be a part of this local success story.

Isabel Barros - Executive Director

As a daughter of immigrant parents, I know firsthand how the lack of finances can limit the extra curricular experiences of a child. As a parent, I became deeply involved in my children’s school PAC and worked with our parent team to fundraise for projects and programs so that no child in our school would be denied any opportunity to participate. Unfortunately, not all schools have the same ability to fundraise successfully. BASES strives to be that organization that works to level the playing field for all children in our community. Working to create access to quality afterschool programming for all children in our community is our goal.

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